html_url,issue_url,id,node_id,user,created_at,updated_at,author_association,body,reactions,performed_via_github_app,issue,,687347222,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDY4NzM0NzIyMg==,52864541,2020-09-04T19:47:01Z,2020-09-04T20:29:40Z,NONE,"> I still do not agree with some of the changes for damage. No hard proof was given for those changes. Just data from others that can not be verified. To explain further, I first examined the information in Combined_Mag-Tools_Inventory_Loot_Generation.xlsm. I gathered what information was available from there, then I compared it to Morosity’s very recent pcap mining to verify my information and to check for anomalies on both our sides. You mentioned several issues you have with the changes I presented for two handers. All that information is in the magtools/virindi export. That is my hard proof, which I thought we all have access to and were using? I didn’t need further sources for two handers, though I still compared all information against Morosity’s data. The more sources along with multiple people gathering it in a different way, the better. Seeing as he gathered his data separately and through a different resource, it made me feel more confident in my numbers. I will list below the number of examples that can be found in the magtools/virindi export to support my numbers, as I fully understand you dismissing Morosity’s data, since you don’t have direct access to it. I do have a link to the raw PCAPs that he used (Which I assume both projects are using but perhaps he has additional ones), but we would have to mine the data ourselves from it. Which I would happily dig through afterwards as I lack coding skills. 30 examples to support 39 damage 400 wield 8 examples to support 33 damage 370 wield 16 examples to support 30 damage 350 wield 5 examples to support 27 damage 325 wield 5 examples to support 23 damage 300 wield 3 examples to support 20 damage 250 wield If I am somehow misunderstanding you on why you do not accept this data, let me know so we can discuss it. If Combined_Mag-Tools_Inventory_Loot_Generation.xlsm is considered inaccurate, let me know. I got this file from either Hells or OptimShi and was told this is what you guys were using. EDIT: The original 35 damage currently listed for 370 wield, there isn't even 1 example of that in the magtool export.","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,684198032