id,object_Id,page_Id,author_Id,author_Name,author_Account,ignore_Author,page_Text 1,5849,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 2,7898,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 3,7899,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I have been on many campaigns with my chieftain Anadil over the millennia. He selected me personally from among the warriors of my clan. The hidden lords of Dericost had their hands deep into our people then. In the subjugation of us, they came to respect and admire our warriors. It once was said that, man for man, none could best the nomads of the high desert. " 4,7899,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," The service of our chieftains the Dericost especially coveted, for, unlike most of their living generals, they held no scruple in battle. It was always a strange thought to us that anyone could do any less than whatever is necessary to achieve victory. I have also heard it said that, because we had always lived on the move, we were far better at raiding and fast-moving warfare. " 5,7899,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I know not if this was actually true, but it sounds likely. As more of our chieftains proved their loyalty to the Ice Throne, more were blest with conversion to Mu-Miyah, the only form of thinking-death in which the body does not decay at all, but is well and truly eternal. In time, we commanded all the finest companies of Dericost. " 6,7899,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I participated in many raids against the Yalain and Haebrous during the Last War, and proved myself in combat time and again. At Harebach Crose, I captured the standard of Relmontaine, and was highly praised by Ilkanne herself. At Berkesh I fought the Yalain captain Machus Sencara in single combat, and brought back his head to hang from our company's standard. The skull still hung there on the morning we fought at the foot of Gelid. " 7,7899,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," We knew the Yalain and Haebrous were coming. We had shadowed their army for hundreds of miles as they bludgeoned their way through the living armies the Dericost lords set before them. We had long since known their exact numbers, and what famed warriors were present, and who commanded the left, right, and center. We knew how the army would deploy and where it would attack. We would hold them off easily. " 8,7899,5,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," So we held them off, easily. They attacked in thick fog on one of the coldest mornings I can remember. The skin of the lesser thinking-dead cracked and broke away as they marched. For hours, all I could grasp of the battle was the sound. Men and women screamed in pain and fury, the metal clashed and clanked, support arms whirred and whistled, and mage-fire crackled. " 9,7899,6,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," As the mist burned away that fateful morning I was witness to a stirring vision. There among the snow and battle stood a woman clad in white, with long golden hair spilling over her shoulders. With the tip of a flaming silver sword she drew a circle around herself, and coolly smote any Firstborn who dared cross it. I stood among the great captains, beneath our proud banners, and watched her. " 10,7899,7,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"She fought for hours, and slew many of the mighty among our company. By the time the sun had reach its apex, her white raiment was horrifically soiled with blood and gore. She did not seem to notice. She was splendid to watch, so graceful and untiring she seemed inhuman. I have rarely seen one outside our own tribes so completely devoted to the warrior's arts, and none of us could withstand her. She was, I later learned, Leikotha, an esteemed chevaird of Haebrous. At the time, however, all I heard of her was Nerash's murmur, ""She is beautiful, is she not?"" Of course, we all know how that story ended. " 11,7899,8,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Not that it mattered on the field that day. While the Kings tenaciously held the gates to Gelid, Alaidain and Jailne, alone, wound their way through the Vasmora, entered the palace, and slew Sarvien the Foolish. For that infamous defeat, the Sand Kings of the high desert were shunned by their own people. Honor demanded atonement for failing to protect their charge. " 12,7899,9,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," The surviving Kings recouped their honor at Ayn Tayan, but by then the world had changed. Our conquerors had been too scarred by the war to consider any possible fate for us but the torch. We were not men who had surmounted death, and paid a heavy price for the honor; we were abominations and monsters. The Kings had gone with the Lords to Killiakta, joining the Winds in their hidden redoubts. By the time atonement had come, our descendants had been taught by Yalaini missionaries to think of us as they did. " 13,7899,10,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I carry two things with me now. One is my honor, which I redeemed at the Hill of Pines. The other is my sword, with which I hope to serve the generations that may be. I understand too well the tragedy of the Frorites, trapped forever now in their drafty citadel. They can never go home. Even if they should, what remains for them there? The few dozen of them that remain, and the empty cities of old Dericost? " 14,7899,11,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," My people, like theirs, are gone. There are no more herds and tribes wandering across the high desert. There is only silence and the wind, where once my people sang under the stars. I doubt the Winds and Lords will ever truly understand what they have lost. But lately, while lurking in the dark beyond the campfires of the Isparians, I have heard them sing of their world's stars. " 15,7900,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 16,7901,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I write you, sister, from the camp of the Latzimestal. A bestial place it is, by our standards. These warlords have never approached the majesty of His Eternal Splendor's court, but choosing to assemble on this stinking island is the depth of indecorum. The insects swarm about us in numbers I have never before seen! I have been casting Cassius' Ring since I arrived, and still more rise from the pool of stagnant water. Anadil insists that here, we shall be safe from the barbarians. I think he places too much stock in the offshore currents. " 17,7901,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I would not have guessed, when I left my lair, that the Latzimestal still had such strength as this hidden away. Their warriors, remnants of the household soldiery they fled Dericost with, had been hidden in the sands of Diastra. The years of repose did not go well with them, I fear; but for the ageless Mu-Miyah, most are reduced to bone and scraps of flesh. Again we prove that an alert mind is the best way to preserve the body. " 18,7901,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Tonight the was an incident. Rytheran and Aerfalle had come to confer with Anadil. They brought with them Asmolum the Worm, one time spymaster to Lord Inekkere. Anadil and his captains listened to his report without comment, and afterwards asked several surprisingly shrewd questions. He is not the barbarian herd-master I expected. Indeed he is a general, of sound mind. He will not, I think, equal old Nerash, but he will serve. " 19,7901,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"At any rate, he treated us to a reception afterwards, in a tent brightly lit with emerald mage-fires. Elleina chastised him for the display, noting that it was poor enough a plan to assemble such a large force in the open, but that setting fires as well was begging for the notice of the Enemy. ""If one has a sword,"" Anadil replied, ""one draws and uses it. One does not hide in shadows, and wait to stab his enemy while he is helpless. That is cowardly. Power should ever be exercised in honest fashion. Here we are mighty, and may withstand all but the fiercest assault by the Enemy."" " 20,7901,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," ""Again,"" said Ellenia dismissively, ""we see displayed the casual arrogance of the Latzimestal, so rapt with their own power. No doubt you will find yourself disgraced again on the field of battle. How smug were you, dog, watching our enemies throw themselves at your lines, while your king was killed behind your back?"" " 21,7901,5,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," At this, Anadil leapt nimbly to his feet, and in two strides crossed the room and backhanded Ellenia! In an instant, Aerfalle and I reached the two. Aerfalle seized Anadil, although he did not seem inclined to do more, and stared Ellenia down. I held her, and felt her quiver with rage. She loosed a stream of vile invective, calling the general a base mercenary, an arrogant thug, and other less-repeatable things. " 22,7901,6,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," ""And you, great lady?"" Anadil retorted. ""You who bathed in the entrails of a loving husband to feed your lust for eternal life and power? Are you such an upstanding example of behavior then, scheming witch? For thousands of years we have heard tales of your callous and vicious nature, of your relentless devouring of every lord that caught your fancy."" " 23,7901,7,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"""This bickering,"" the Worm said quietly, ""benefits only the forces of the Servant."" ""Asmolum speaks truth,"" Aerfalle declared, not slackening the weight of her glare at Ellenia. The moot broke up shortly thereafter, with neither party having apologized or forgiven the other. Ellenia said to me afterwards, ""Have I really such a reputation for being..."" ""Tempestuous?"" I suggested, with some delicacy. " 24,7901,8,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"""Indeed,"" she said, and smiled. ""Lady Elleina, so thou hast always been. But that is part and parcel of thy undeniable charm. Thou art strong, and that is a virtue that is much to be admired."" ""You do me honor with the high tongue. Why, I wonder?"" She smiled again, and walked gracefully away into the twilight. I think, after five hundred years of trying to get her attention, she has finally noticed my interest. There is another benefit to eternity, I suppose; eventually, you may be the last suitor left standing. " 25,7902,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 26,7905,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," We all one One voice One form Praise One Beyond Nameless Eternal All " 27,7905,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Latecomer Thieves Bicker Foolish Herald Seeks pain Circle Seeks power Our body: Shares not These aims " 28,7905,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Our body: Carry tokens Spread vision All that serve One Not created Or swayed By latecomers " 29,7905,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Our body: Ready Possible need Act Should Herald Its circle Neglect One " 30,7905,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Our body: Loose Primes Not-us-servants Summon Breath That turns Loose opener Of ways Break bindings Unravel web " 31,7905,5,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Our body: Sundering repaired One Quickened Accomplish Beginning-all-time All-one-together Change-constant As once was So shall be Forever " 32,7906,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 33,7909,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"I have heard thy words. Verily, the Bael'Zharon was mad in his final years of freedom; obsessed with vengeance, and savoring the misery of his enemies like fine wine. Were I to choose a word that described his every movement and motion, it should be ""rage."" This be not the motivation of the one I followed into darkness. He showed then a righteous anger, a desire to see our kind treated with justice - not this blind, cruel hatred of all things Yalain. Even now, I feel his black thoughts, and they linger unpleasantly on his plans for them. " 34,7909,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I think it be the inevitable result of too much time under the influence of the Thing. That from which we derive our powers twists. Atimes this is obvious; recall the use of the great flying beasts. Thou wert with me at the snaring of the one they called Aujanel. The sight of what the Black Breath did to it, and the shrieks of the prisoners as they were grafted to its bones, will never be dislodged from my recollection. " 35,7909,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," More often, it seems to me, the corruption is subtle. Once we heard the Bael'Zharon speak with some misgiving of the power he had gained, wondering what its price would be. Perhaps we know. Now, it seems, his voice only whispers of wrath and pain, of conquering all and bringing them into the body. This sounds not like the Bael'Zharon I knew in times long past. " 36,7909,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," He has been twisted. Oh, not as thoroughly as the elder ones. Not yet. But while the Bael'Zharon rages and broods in his prison, the General remains cool and thoughtful. He still wonders what the price may be, and what would happen should the Nameless be released. Until we know this, we should not act as they would have it. " 37,7909,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"So yes; I do agree that the General is better suited. But then, you knew I would, did you not? You have my assurance that I will use all my power to prevent damage to that which my forces have recovered. A note, before I leave thee; I am become suspicious of the elder ones, those that existed before the Great War. They speak too little, and seem to much of a mind for my taste. I wonder indeed what their goals are. Speak not to them of our plans. " 38,7910,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 39,7911,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0," Thy concerns are noted, my old friend. I assure thee, this course was not chosen without all due deliberation in Chalicmere. The Council, and the Steward, reached a rare accord with the skulking Filinuvekta. It is dangerous to oppose the forces of the Servant, true. I would be a fool if I pretended otherwise. Thou hast asked me, ""What price will the Firstborn pay this time, for the mere promise of a return to power on the morrow?"" " 40,7911,1,4294967295,,prewritten,0," I tell you, and I pray you will hear with a generous heart, that this manner of thinking is painfully short-sighted. If the Servant succeeds, we shall all suffer in the end. This is no simple war for dominance he wages. Nay, it be a campaign to absorb all things living. The Lords would tell you that their concern is solely the preservation of mortals, for us to rule later. All they can see is the need for a future kingdom. But do not delude yourself, as they do, that we who walked when the Ice Throne held sway over half the world will survive long, once the living are done away with. In this, at " 41,7911,2,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"least, the Winds are correct. It is in our best interest to stand against the Servant now, while we do not yet stand alone. I fought at Ayn Tayan, brother. The Dark Spawn are ultimately as mortal as any man. If one cuts them, they will bleed. The blood is tarry, and withers the grass where it lands. I saw much of it spilled over the course of those three endless days of butchery. We held against the Spawns' weight of numbers, and though the price was high for us, t'was a victory in the end. How the army cheered when Anadil's spells toppled the Thorn! " 42,7911,3,4294967295,,prewritten,0," He has come up from his dusty crypt, you know. The greatest of the remaining Sand Kings has agreed to lead the armies of the Lords once more. He gathers the forces of the Latzimestal in the wastes, holding moot with our captains and the agents of the Filinuvekta, who walk far in dark places, and have seen and heard much which may assist us. " 43,7911,4,4294967295,,prewritten,0," Anadil has a great plan, brother. I cannot speak of it, lest this message to thee be somehow intercepted. Come to us at Chalicmere. They shall tell thee of Anadil's rallying point, and there I shall tell thee how the Darkness shall be kept in check. Until then, keep safe, and hasten. The sun has dimmed, and now the stars begin to fall. " 44,7912,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 45,7913,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"Yadda yadda... " 46,7914,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 47,7915,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," All who heed the word and will of our lord Bael'Zharon, harken. He is aware of the shameful events that preceded the destruction of the Nexus stone. He knows of the actions of His Generals, good or ill. Time will come, our children. Let not the petty inclinations of the three disturb thy hearts. They shall be dealt with. Think, instead, of the good that was done. Another step was taken on the road to His emancipation. He knows also thy constancy and courage. " 48,7915,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," The rotting ones, remnants of the empires that rose and fell before His coming, aided us well in the breaching of the Nexus facility. It is ironic indeed that the Yalain would choose to hide away part of their cruel prison in the very place where its physical form was grown, like any common mana-stone. The power that coursed through that construct! To think it was built to tap the currents, and channel some of their power to the Lyceum for the Council's use against us. " 49,7915,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," He will be released. It has been foreseen. When at last the prisons are shattered, then, indeed, our long-denied revenge against the arrogance and prejudice of the Yalain shall be complete. The hiding-place prepared for them by Asheron is open to Him. " 50,7915,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Steel thyselves, children of Bael'Zharon. There shall be hard times ahead. As He had suspected, the rotting ones again begin to move from their secret places. Our studies of the binding on the northeast island have been disrupted by them. Those in service to us are staunch allies indeed, but few in number. Those which serve their own ends are more numerous, yet still depleted from their ancient wars. Do not underestimate their powers! As you are to Him and that He serves, so they were to the witches and the Old Ones. The Old Ones may be gone, but aspects of their power still remain, " 51,7915,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"cloaked in the rotting flesh of men. And still, we have seen naught of the light. But is their way, acting through coincidence and circumstance that favors the chosen. Be wary. Some of thee have expressed concern over the strangers that have come here through Asheron's errors. Dule seems to concern himself overmuch with their blundering, thinking them able in their own way. This is nonsense! We are empowered by a force beyond their paltry comprehension. And they? What are they! They have proven but a small irritant thus far. Indeed, at every turn their own imprudence has aided our " 52,7915,5,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"cause. Pay them little mind, children, unless for sport. They are nothing. Concern yourselves with the true enemy, the rotting ones. Until that day when all are one, we leave you with the power to do and to change what thou wilt, for such is the freedom promised us. " 53,7916,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 54,7921,0,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," My Lord Anadil, esteemed peers, and captains of the alliance, I send you greetings and news. After much research and observation, my agents and I have discerned much truth about the Yalaini method of storing the shattered array. I will caution my colleagues, however, that there remain large and potentially dangerous gaps in our knowledge. " 55,7921,1,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"As we knew before, the crystal array used by the Yalain Council shattered into its six component pieces when the Servant was contained. Each piece was, in some sense, under the control of the Servant. For this reason, each attempted to dig itself into the ground upon coming to rest. Doubtless this was an attempt to evade the detection of his captors. One of these pieces was thrown as far as Aerlinthe, and the Lady Aerfalle observed soldiers of Yalain recover and send it oversea. We believe this was the core piece that was found sealed in the Nexus facility, where the component pieces of the array were grown in the first place. " 56,7921,2,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," Of the six pieces, the Yalain appear to have recovered five. The missing piece, thanks to the explorations of the outlanders, we now know to have landed in the mountains to the west of Velacixque, where it dug itself into the ground. It was later found by a small group of our descendants, and their experiments on it ultimately led to their destruction, and the present crisis. " 57,7921,3,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," The energy released by the planar rupture that trapped the Servant also destroyed the Council (save Asheron Realaidain of Knorr, whose means of survival remain unknown to us), one of the Thorns, and the mass of the Spawn army - hundreds of thousands of Dark Spawn, if the reports of our agents were to be believed. This decimation of the enemy's forces, when combined with the loss of the Servant, effectively ended the war. The mass of their power in the world was penned, and much of the remainder destroyed. " 58,7921,4,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," The Servant's generals appear to have been, like their lord, too powerful to be destroyed by mere explosion. Note it took the concentrated efforts of the entire Yalaini Council to put the dark witch Elithra down at the battle of Dernehale. The generals appear to have been, for lack of a better explanation, ""dispersed."" That is, their physical forms were destroyed. Their consciousnesses seem to have survived. How they accomplished this, and where they have been in the meantime, remain open questions. There is no question that they have returned. The recent sport they " 59,7921,5,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"had with the outlanders proves it, though they seem not to have recovered their previous strength yet. I have walked the ash of the titanic crater that marks the site of the war's end. It is still blackened and barren, with only that repulsive fungus able to survive. The ash stirs restlessly in the breeze, and the rumbling of magical thunder can be heard even in clear daylight. The currents of mana in the area are still profoundly disturbed. However, with careful study, my comrades have been able to isolate certain magical harmonics in the peculiar, humming crystals created by the explosion. " 60,7921,6,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0,"These crystals share some form of connection with the Soul Stones that once formed the Council's Array. My studies into the geomancy of the ancient Falatacot proved quite fruitful here. We have, to be brief, been able to use harmonics of the crystals in the wasteland to discern the approximate locations of an additional three pieces of the array, by divining their telltale aural vibrations. They would seem to have been locked in special storage facilities, deeply buried in the earth and protected from detection by various magical wards. The Yalain never possessed much ability at geomancy, so I doubt that these are decoy facilities. " 61,7921,7,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," I regret to say, however, that my agents sent to search these locations for possible methods of entry have not found any. They have encountered large numbers of the Spawn, which forces me to conclude that the Enemy is also aware of the Yalaini facilities. It is perilous to think, but they may indeed have gained access to one or more already. " 62,7921,8,4294967295,Unknown,prewritten,0," It now becomes a race, my colleagues. We must find these facilities first. I would also note that with this discovery, we still have no information on one of the Soul Stones. My agents continue to scour the islands with methods both magical and mean. I have left instructions that finding this last Stone should be our top priority. " 63,8083,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 64,8085,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 65,8087,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 66,8089,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this page.] " 67,8261,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 68,8263,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 69,8810,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 70,8811,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 71,8812,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 72,9385,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 73,10728,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 74,10729,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 75,12141,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 76,12143,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 77,12145,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 78,12276,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 79,12278,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 80,12280,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 81,12282,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 82,23111,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 83,23113,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 84,23115,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 85,23117,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 86,23119,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 87,23121,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 88,23123,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 89,23125,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 90,24135,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 91,24136,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on this.] " 92,24473,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[This item is unreadable and must be translated by Diyas al-Yat in Zaikhal.] " 93,25429,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 94,25430,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 95,25431,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 96,25432,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 97,25433,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 98,25434,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 99,25435,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 100,25436,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] " 101,25437,0,4294967295,,prewritten,0,"[You cannot understand the writing on the parchment.] "