id,node_id,number,title,user,state,locked,assignee,milestone,comments,created_at,updated_at,closed_at,author_association,active_lock_reason,draft,pull_request,body,reactions,performed_via_github_app,state_reason,repo,type 1692974034,PR_kwDOBLalGM5PnaGA,3999,Combined PR,41898282,closed,0,,,0,2023-05-02T19:22:21Z,2023-05-03T00:01:25Z,2023-05-03T00:01:19Z,NONE,,0,ACEmulator/ACE/pulls/3999,"✅ This PR was created by the Combine PRs action by combining the following PRs: #3998 Bump TimeZoneConverter from 5.0.0 to 6.1.0 in /Source #3996 Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 2.2.10 to 3.0.2 in /Source #3995 Bump MySql.Data from 8.0.29 to 8.0.33 in /Source #3994 Bump System.Text.Encoding.CodePages from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 in /Source #3993 Bump System.Drawing.Common from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 in /Source #3992 Bump Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0 in /Source #3989 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.2.0 to 17.5.0 in /Source #3988 Bump log4net from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 in /Source ⚠️ The following PRs were left out due to merge conflicts: #3997 Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 13.0.2 to 13.0.3 in /Source #3991 Bump Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore from 6.0.7 to 7.0.5 in /Source #3990 Bump MSTest.TestAdapter from 2.2.10 to 3.0.2 in /Source","{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,,79078680,pull